Trainer Tip – Jacob’s Ladder

The Jacob’s Ladder is a very unique piece of equipment in that it offers a total body workout (with more focus on the lower body), can be trained aerobically and anaerobically, but with very low impact on the joints. I like to throw the Jacob’s Ladder into my leg workouts to train them for more muscular endurance, and also to help with my conditioning (you will get your heart rate up!). In fact, the Jacob’s Ladder is so highly thought of, that you see collegiate and professional athletes utilizing it to improve their strength and conditioning. Along with these athletes, you can also find the armed forces, police and fire academies training with the Jacob’s Ladder. The set up is pretty simple. Put the strap around your waist at the proper height, and begin to climb the ladder. There will be constant movement from the machine, but as soon as you are finished, simply let it take you to the bottom where there is a safety stopper to stop the ladder from moving. Come try ours out at Premier Sportsplex in your next workout!
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